martes, 25 de septiembre de 2018


My biggest dream is to learn to speak many languages because in the future I would like to travel all continents and so I could communicate with everybody.

I think that to fullfill this dream. I have to study a lot. But I think if I propose to do it, I can.

The only thing I need to make this possible is willpower to follow my dreams, and never give up.
I think that if you set a goal for yourself, and you fight for it you can reach it.

martes, 18 de septiembre de 2018


  1. Travel all the world.
  2. Live in Barcelona.
  3. Speak perfect English.
  4. Have a lot of money.
  5. Have a big clinic veterinary.
  6. Meet a famous.
  7. Live in a very big house.
  8. Go to the University.
  9. Have many a lot of  animals.
  10. Swim in a Aquarium.
  11. Get a tatoo.
  12. Invent something.